Peonies with a Purpose

Peonies with a Purpose

Peonies with a Purpose is a new campaign by Feel Good with Flowers and the NZ Peony Society. All proceeds will go towards the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand to provide funding for mental health services and support for those who need it. For...


Our AGM was held Tuesday 20 October, 2pm via zoom. It was nice to have people join in across the virtual waves this year. Review our AGM Report here, our Audited Financial Accounts for the year to 30 June 2020, and 2019 AGM minutes here. We look forward to another...

Pink Shirt Day – Friday 16 October

Circle the date in your calendar! Anti-Bullying Day is a day when people wear mainly a pink shirt to symbolise a stand against bullying, an idea that originated in Canada. It is celebrated on various dates around the world – and in NZ, on Friday 16 October. For...
“How are you today?” with Jazz Thornton

“How are you today?” with Jazz Thornton

Jazz Thornton has become an advocate for young people who are trying to get help in a system that she believes is failing them. She speaks about ‘resilience isn’t something we learn in the middle of a global pandemic. Hear her story…