Residential & Respite Services
Maternal Mental Health Service
He Kākano Ora is the maternal mental health service of Walsh Trust. An award-winning service that provides residential respite and home-based support to mothers who are in their second trimester of pregnancy through until the baby turns a year. This service is funded by the Ministry of Health and is available only to mothers that are under the Maternal Mental Health Teams of Auckland and Waitemata DHB’s.
For further information about this service, please click the link and watch the Video here, or please contact Laura Sanchez-Jimenez, Maternal Mental Health Service Manager 836 1401

Housing, Respite & Residential Support
We provide housing and recovery-based services in Waitakere and Auckland City. The aim is to provide a safe and supportive home-like environment that lets you plan for your move into a more independent living situation. To this end, the services replicate, as closely as possible, the realities, responsibilities and obligations of a flat-sharing lifestyle. We will work with you to find out what it is you want to achieve, and then together we will ensure we find ways of trying to make these aspirations a reality.
Older Persons
Te Whare Rata (‘the place of wisdom’) currently provides six beds for older people who require short term support with their mental health. Referrals for Te Whare Rata are received from either the community or from Ward 12 North Shore Hospital. How long people stay at Te Whare Rata is based upon a person’s support needs assessment. To date, people have stayed on average between three weeks and four months.
Five full-time and three part-time staff are employed at Te Whare Rata, (including registered professionals). Services are offered 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
For further information about this service, please contact the Housing & Recovery Co-Ordinator or call us on 09 837 5240.

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